Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Going back in time.The Green Horse Class. S1 Straightness. dressage tra...

"Another blast from the past.  This was when we first started working on straightness and the riders feeling when their horses backs are up with our Green Horse Class. Now you can see how we did it and how we continue to use the ground poles to teach the horses how to push more from behind"

This video is from Season 1 (4 years ago) and is such a great example of how far both of these riders and their horses have come since than. As you can see, both the riders and horses have come a long way since this time. It is good for you to see the difference as now when you watch them as they are today you might think they have always been where they are.  Now you can see where they came from.  I found 70 videos from that time and will start sharing them now so you can be reminded of the actual training process that has been used.  

Can you see the difference?  Look at the physical difference in both the horses and in the riders positions since than.  At that time both of these horses had behavioral issues that required a lot of attention. 

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