Sunday, June 24, 2018

Randi Thompson. Half halts and the Steps to Connection. Adding the breat...

Have you had to take time off from your riding because of the weather or other reasons? Now you can watch this blast from the past to see what I did to bring both Trudy and Ani back into training by connecting them with the half halts and Steps to Connection at the walk"

We had no idea how Ani would behave. It has been over 6 weeks since their last ride and we were not sure what to expect. We went right to where we had left off and were thrilled with the results! Both Trudy and Ani were able to go pretty much back to where they were with the basics before winter came! We started with the half halts (as taught by Robert Dover with a breath) then continued with the Steps to Connection. This was only the third time that we have asked Ani to stay connected at this level and so we were very excited at how much she had remembered from before. Now you can watch the process we used and try it with your horse.
Even if you have not had to take time off, you will find that by applying these training techniques for your half halts and connecting with your horse will make a difference. Try them this week and let us know how they work for you.

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