Friday, June 8, 2018

Randi Thompson. Canter Trot transitions. Timing of the Riders Aids. #2 D...

"Would you like to improve the way your horse changes its gait from a trot to a canter? Then it's time to think about the timing of your aids. Watch what Susan does with Beau"

In this session, Susan is riding the transition from the trot to the canter, and the canter to to the trot.She is focusing on the timing of her rein and leg aids and how Beau is responding to them. Lucky you as you will get to see a horse as it is learning how to rebalance at a new level. (Susan and Beau will be competing in 2nd Level dressage this upcoming year and need to have more of an uphill balance)

Can you see the difference in how Beau is moving as he works through these exercises?

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