Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bad horse. #2 My horse is bucking and running out of the ring. What should ...

"What do you do when your horse starts acting up? It took me years to understand that a rider does not need to ride a horse that is having issues. Sometimes, it really is better to just get off and do something different" This is Part #2. Look at the posts below this one to see Part #1 from yesterday.

This was from a few years back. Ani had been under saddle for about 6 months and was not happy to be separated from the rest of her herd. A few weeks before this session she started acting up. She would buck, rear and bolt out of the ring. This could have led to some very serious and possibly dangerous issues and so I started asking Trudy to get off and lunge Ani when she was having a temper tantrum. This was the third week of that process.
The good news is that Ani did get past this stage. It took about a month. This video is from the lost vidoes from the first year where Youtube deleted that account by mistake. I lost many of those videos and had only saved 70 or so to my hard drive.
What did you learn from watching this video? Can you see how this is a safer technique than riding a horse through those issues?

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