Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Retraining a Schoolmaster. Is your horse on the aids? Trot. 10 meter cir...

Can you retrain a schoolmaster?  Why not? Now you can watch what happens as Cheryl West discovers what having Comet (21 yr. rescued Rhinelinder) in front of the aids really feels like as I add the metronome"

These are the topics that we discussed. I added a metronome so that the rider, Cheryl West would be more aware of Comet's rhythm.  This made it easier to keep him in front of her aids and connected.

10 meter Circle.  How to ride one.

Metronome to keep rhythm

Four corners of a circle

Front of saddle pointed in

Rising trot allows more freedom for rider and horse

Outside rein  and leg to inside rein and  leg.  Use leg yield to check.

Shorten length of outside rein until horses shoulder starts to lift

Check that your outside seat bone feels like it is coming through your outside elbow

Point your belly and the front of the saddle in the direction you want your horse to go towards

Praise the horse often.

Breath through your belly

Eyes up. Look where you are going.

Shoulder in.  Size of 10 meter circle.  Can you keep the rhythm?

Is your horse stretching down and in?

Is your horse tracking up?

Which tip are you going to try?  Let us know how it works for you!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Retraining a Schoolmaster. Is your horse in front of the aids walk/trot? How do you know?

"Is your horse really in front of your aids?  Now you can see how to use a metronome to know.... Watch what happens with Cheryl West-Master Instructor and her rescued dressage horse Comet (age 20) as we go over the basics of reconnecting a horse and rider"   

These are the topics that we discussed... (Yes, just in this video!) Adding the metronome for rider awareness of rhythm and if horse is in front of the riders aids or not.

Rising vs sitting trot. Which one should you do? 

Is your horse "Stepping up from behind into connection" of your reins?

Ask your horse to step up with the inside hind to an "alive" rein on inside. When you get the horse to step up to one side, praise them than switch sides.

When does your horse drop the connection?

Frame of rein and aids. What does that mean?

From back to front

Side to Side

How do you know if your horse is on the outside rein and leg?

Leg yield for checking outside reins and legs.

Front of the saddle should be pointed in on curves 

Mini stretches. Can your horse do them on both sides?

Keeping connection with rhythm of the gait. Metronome.

Bring your inside seat bone towards the horses inside ear.

Lunge line to feel what that size circle should feel like for the rider and horse.

What did you discover from watching this Horse and Rider Awareness Video that will make a difference in how you are asking your horse to stay connected with you?

Retraining a Schoolmaster. Is your horse in front of the aids walk/trot? How do you know?

"Is your horse really in front of your aids?  Now you can see how to use a metronome to know.... Watch what happens with Cheryl West-Master Instructor and her rescued dressage horse Comet (age 20) as we go over the basics of reconnecting a horse and rider"   

These are the topics that we discussed... (Yes, just in this video!) Adding the metronome for rider awareness of rhythm and if horse is in front of the riders aids or not.

Rising vs sitting trot. Which one should you do? 

Is your horse "Stepping up from behind into connection" of your reins?

Ask your horse to step up with the inside hind to an "alive" rein on inside. When you get the horse to step up to one side, praise them than switch sides.

When does your horse drop the connection?

Frame of rein and aids. What does that mean?

From back to front

Side to Side

How do you know if your horse is on the outside rein and leg?

Leg yield for checking outside reins and legs.

Front of the saddle should be pointed in on curves 

Mini stretches. Can your horse do them on both sides?

Keeping connection with rhythm of the gait. Metronome.

Bring your inside seat bone towards the horses inside ear.

Lunge line to feel what that size circle should feel like for the rider and horse.

What did you discover from watching this Horse and Rider Awareness Video that will make a difference in how you are asking your horse to stay connected with you?

Friday, July 22, 2016

Magic Square. Straightness, Pirouettes and more amazing changes Dressa...

"The Magic Square.  Improve your straightness and connection with this amazing Horse and Rider Awareness technique!  2 new riders of 2 levels show you how it makes a difference in their riding"

This is Cheryl West of the West Equestrian Services and Training in Sand Springs (Tulsa area) Oklahoma  She is riding Comet, a 21 yr old rescued Rhinelander.  Our other rider is Jr. rider Marjorie, riding  Eclipse off track appendix TB who is 19 years.  Both of the riders have been watching or working with me this week and this was the last ride that I was able to film.  In this video you will see how the magic square can be used to keep a horse on the wall (or straight) on a lower level horse and how it can also be used to improve the quality of a walk pirouette.

Can you see how the Magic Square can make a difference in your training?

Retraining a Schoolmaster. Is your horse in front of the aids walk/trot? How do you know?

"Is your horse really in front of your aids?  Now you can see how to use a metronome to know.... Watch what happens with Cheryl West-Master Instructor and her rescued dressage horse Comet (age 20) as we go over the basics of reconnecting a horse and rider"   

These are the topics that we discussed... (Yes, just in this video!) Adding the metronome for rider awareness of rhythm and if horse is in front of the riders aids or not.

Rising vs sitting trot. Which one should you do? 

Is your horse "Stepping up from behind into connection" of your reins?

Ask your horse to step up with the inside hind to an "alive" rein on inside. When you get the horse to step up to one side, praise them than switch sides.

When does your horse drop the connection?

Frame of rein and aids. What does that mean?

From back to front

Side to Side

How do you know if your horse is on the outside rein and leg?

Leg yield for checking outside reins and legs.

Front of the saddle should be pointed in on curves 

Mini stretches. Can your horse do them on both sides?

Keeping connection with rhythm of the gait. Metronome.

Bring your inside seat bone towards the horses inside ear.

Lunge line to feel what that size circle should feel like for the rider and horse.

What did you discover from watching this Horse and Rider Awareness Video that will make a difference in how you are asking your horse to stay connected with you?