This is my gift for horse people all over the world.The Horse and Rider Awareness videos follow the training progress of several horses and riders over the years. These techniques have been tested on 1000's of horses and riders and have also been used in instructor training and certification programs.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Walk Adding the Spiral in and out for better balance and connection. D...
"The walk. Adding the Spiral in and out for better balance and connection"
This is Trudy on Ani. In this session we focus on connecting Ani more, as she stays in a more uphill balance at the walk. We practice this with the spiral in and out. From there Trudy starts feeling if Ani is really under her seat and is taking even steps as she goes through the different patterns. To do this, Trudy has to keep Ani's hind feet more active. Now you can watch what happen as Trudy gets a better understanding of how to keep Ani balanced. You will also see the difference in Ani's walks.
Have you tried riding the spiral in and out yet? We would love to hear how they are making a difference for your riding.
Walk Adding the Spiral in and out for better balance and connection. D...
"The walk. Adding the Spiral in and out for better balance and connection"
This is Trudy on Ani. In this session we focus on connecting Ani more, as she stays in a more uphill balance at the walk. We practice this with the spiral in and out. From there Trudy starts feeling if Ani is really under her seat and is taking even steps as she goes through the different patterns. To do this, Trudy has to keep Ani's hind feet more active. Now you can watch what happen as Trudy gets a better understanding of how to keep Ani balanced. You will also see the difference in Ani's walks.
Have you tried riding the spiral in and out yet? We would love to hear how they are making a difference for your riding.
Friday, August 29, 2014
"Adding activity to the Leg Yield with different patterns. Week 5 "Back ...
"Leg Yields. How to make them better by adding lots of new patterns and movements. Have you tried riding your horse in leg yields yet?"
Beau has never been thrilled with leg yielding. This is week 5 of "Going back to the Basics" and our goal is to keep his nose in front of the vertical with a following rein, as Susan asks him to get more active with his hind feet. Now you can watch as we do leg yields from walk/trots to curves and so much more. We do all of these patterns so that the leg yield become less of an issue for him. You will notice that we change the routine a lot. There is a lot of movement in the filming as I dodge Beau... however, I thought this was so valuable for everyone to see that I decided to share it anyway.
Can you see the quality of Beau's leg yields changing as we keep doing different patterns?
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Canter. Is your horse behind the vertical? "Back to the Basics" Week 5 ...
"What can you do if your horse seems to always be bringing it's nose behind the vertical at the canter? It's time to try something new!"
This is Susan and Beau. In this session we focus on the canter and keeping his poll higher so that his nose is in front of the vertical. We are in week 5 of "Going back to the Basics" Beau has always had the tendency to curl his neck and go behind the vertical, it is something we always seem to have to work on at some level. Now you can watch how we re balance him by activating his hind feet and adding different patterns and changes of gait in the canter. You will see that as a result, his poll comes up, his throat latch opens and he lifts his back. This series continue for another 2 weeks and the changes that happen with Beau are amazing!
Does your horse go behind the vertical at the canter? Did you get any new ideas of how to help your horse to bring in forward after watching this video?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Trots. Is your horse behind the vertical? "Back to the Basics" Week 5 D...
"When you are trotting, do you find your horse tends to drop it's poll below it's neck, and go behind the vertical? Watch what we do with Beau to bring his poll up"
This is Susan on Beau. We are in week 5 of "Back to the Basics" Beau is a Friesian/Swedish warmblood cross. He has a big neck and it is very easy for him to drop his poll below it and go behind the vertical with his nose. In this session we focus on keeping his poll up and his throat latch open at the trot and the movements in it. To keep his poll up in the movements, Susan asks Beau to step up more from behind. As a result he picks up his back, lifts his poll and keeps his nose in front of the vertical.Now you can see what we do to keep his poll up, and as a result, a better balance.
Does your horse go behind the vertical with it's head when you are trotting. What did you learn from this video?
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Walks. Low poll? Time to add activity from the hind feet. "Back to the ...
"Do you find your horse tends to drop it's poll below it's neck when you are riding? You are not alone! Watch what we do with Beau to bring his poll up"
This is Susan on Beau. This is week 5 of "Back to the Basics" Beau is a Friesian/Swedish warmblood cross. He has a big neck and it is very easy for him to drop his poll below it. In this session we focus on keeping his poll up at the walk. We also add the halt, backing and turn on the haunches. To keep his poll up in the movements, Susan asks Beau to step up more from behind. As a result he picks up his back and lifts his poll. Susan can feel him lift his shoulders as he does this. This is common issue with dressage horses as they move up the levels. Susan and Beau are competing in 2nd level 3 and need to have a different balance than in the lower levels. Now you can see what we do to keep his poll up, and as a result, a better balance.
Do you have a horse that drops it's poll below it's neck? Did you learn anything new you can try after watching this video?
Monday, August 25, 2014
"Backing up. Who says you can't teach an old dog/horse new ways to do ol...
"Does you horse have issues when you are backing it? Watch what we do with Darrien to take him to a new level"
In this session Susan is focused on keeping Darrien in balance, with his back up. We start with the turn on the haunches (and walk pirouettes) and add the halt and backing up. In the past, Darrien would back up, but he would drag his feet and hollow his back instead of keeping it up. He would go into what we call “robot mode” In fact, It was like he knew how many steps to take. Imagine his surprise when we started asking him to do other things while he was backing! Instead of only backing in a straight line we asked him to do curves. He did not know what to do or how to do it. Watch what happens as we work him through the process so we can take him to the next level of connection with how he is backing up. You will see all of his issues coming up as he is insulted. The good news is that by the next week, Darrien was able to back in curves,
What does your horse do when you ask it to back?
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Trot. Back to the basics of the trot. Darrien's back is up! Asking for...
"Darrien is now using his back at the trot! Who says you can't teach an old horse new tricks?"
We have been going "Back to the Basics" with our horses these past 5 weeks. I showed you how the canter has changed earlier this week, now you can see what happened in the trot that led to such beautiful canter work. In this session Susan asks Darrien, her new horse, to keep his back up as she balanced him between her legs and the reins. (Before this week Susan was riding him on a longer rein and simply following his head movement where ever it was) Darrien is not thrilled as this is when his past issues with connecting come up. He has a big trot and most riders in his past probably could not ride it. In fact, he was being ridden in side reins. You will see Darrien trying to take the reins from as she asks him to connect more from the back to the front. A few months ago, even in a double bridle (we put him back into a snaffle) he would "root" pulling Susan out of the saddle, rear and run. We are happy with the changes he has made since than. Now, we are getting ready to start competing again in a few weeks and are Susan is asking Darrien to balance more so that he back is up all of the time.
Have you ever taken a horse back to the basics? Did it make a difference for you?
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Trot. Renvers (haunches in). Getting more stretch. Back to the basics. W...
"Would you like to have a schooling exercise that you could use that could connect you more with your horse? There is! Have you tried to do a haunches in or out with your horse? Watch this video and see how much Beau's trot changes with the haunches in"
This is week 4 of taking Beau "back to the basics". We are focused on the haunches in (renvers) Susan is riding him with a long, following rein and is asking him to step up into that connection. Beau has never really been excited about lateral work and is now becoming more comfortable with it. In the beginning of this session you will see that he take short steps and loses his connection. As the ride continues, he starts taking longer steps. Watch how much his trot improves!
Are you using the haunches in yet on your horse? What do you find is happening?
Friday, August 22, 2014
Canter. Adding more stretch. Week 5. Back to the basics. Susan and Darrien
"The canter. Who says you can't teach and old dog/horse new tricks? Check out the changes in Darrien, a 17 year old FEI dressage horse"
We are now in week 5 of "Going back to the basics" with Darrien, Susan's new horse. In week 1 we switched him back to a snaffle bit as Susan rode him in a following rein. Since we were not asking him to put his head where it should be, his response was to ride with his nose as high as his poll! We allowed that so he would learn how to relax and give to the bit willingly. To do this, we focused on asking him to stretch his neck into the rein as he got more active with his back feet. Little by little he has gotten more relaxed and as you will see in this video, is now moving different. His nose has come down , his back is coming up, he is engaging more from behind (stepping under with his hind feet) and (gasp!) is stretching into the reins as we ask him to step up into them and connect from behind. Darrien is becoming fun to ride and seems to be enjoying what he is doing much more now.
What have you learned from watching this series? Is it making a difference with what you are doing with your horse?
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Walk. Adding the stretch. Week 4 of Back to the Basics. Dressage tips
"The walks. Adding the stretch. What if... you could finally connect your horse at the walk? Are you ready to try this exercise?"
This is Susan and Darrien. In this session we are focused on improving the quality of the walks. To do this, we are riding Darrien on a long following rein. When Darrien leans on a rein, Susan asks him to step up more from behind, than gives him a mini stretch. This is week 4 of "Going back to the Basics and we are very excited as Darrien has finally started to use his back and is much more relaxed and willing.
Does your horse stretch as you are riding the walk? Can you do it while asking it to shorten or lengthen it's steps?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Trot. Going back to the basics. Keeping a light rein connection (contact)
"What are your hands doing at the trot? If you are like many riders, they are bumping your horses mouth. What can you do to make your rein connection lighter?"
A common issue for riders is that in the rising trot, is that they are unconsciously leaning on the reins to support their riding position.
In fact, any trot work is where many riders find it difficult to keep an even connection on both sides of the reins. Now you can watch what happens with Trudy as she focuses on her rein connection at the trot.
What do your hands do when you are trotting your horse? Are you ready to practice keeping them lighter?
Back to the basics. Stretching at the trot. Week 4. Warm up Darrien and...
"Stretching in the warm up trot. Going back to the basics. Check it out! Darrien is finally starting to stretch!"
Those who have been watching this series have seen big changes in Susan's new horse, Darrien. This is week 4 and Darrien has finally started to relax and let Susan ride him into more of a real stretch. Darrien was not able to do this even a few weeks ago. Now, he is finally starting to let go and use his body different. You can see that even with a snaffle bit (he shows upper level dressage in a double bridle) that he now has a soft rainbow in his neck, his back is up, and he has lost a lot of the frantic responses that he used to have. We are thrilled with the changes as we were not sure how long it would take to get him past the issues he came with. Stay tuned for week 5 and this week I will film week 6. The end of this month we are going to return to the show ring with both of her horses. Can you see how much Darrien has changed?
Have you tried stretching on your horse yet?
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Going back to the basics Rein contact at the trot. Engagement. Diamond ...
"Is your horse connected from your leg to the rein at the trot? Watch how Susan used the "diamond" exercise to get Beau more on her aids"
Now that Susan is competing in 2nd level, it is time to go back to the basics of balance. To do this, Susan focuses on keeping and even feel on both reins as she asks Beau to step up more from behind with her seat and legs. We use the "Diamond" pattern to encourage Beau to "sit down" more, or engage from behind.
Are you ready to try the Diamond pattern with your horse?
Trot. Adding the stretch and activity. Week 4. 2nd level dressage.
"You have probably heard other horse people talking about a horse stretching. How can you use the stretch to improve the quality of your horses movement and balance?"
This is Susan on Beau. In this session we are still riding him with a long, following rein. Our goal is to teach Beau to step up into that longer contact by becoming more active with his back feet. You will see the suspension (air time) of his trot change as we add what I call "mini stretches" This is from week 4 of going back to the basics. We are very excited with the changes that have been happening with Beau.
Have you tried "mini" stretches on your horse yet? Are you able to keep them active behind with their shoulders up as they do it?
Monday, August 18, 2014
Susan and Beau. Canter. Stretch and adding the leap.Week 4. Going back t...
"What can you do to improve your horses balance at the canter and counter canter? Watch what happens as we add the leap to Beau's canters on week 4 of going back to the basics"
Beau has continued to improve these past weeks as we took him back to the basics. Now, he is giving us more a stretch in his neck and is stepping under much more from behind. In this session we focus on creating a longer stride and adding the leap to it. As a result, Beau is moving forward more freely. At the end of this session we also add the counter canter. To get that more connected we ask Beau to "collect" or "round up" so that he shifts back more.
Are you ready to try this on your horse? Let us know what is happening in your training process.
Riding Position. How do I keep my lower leg in the right place for the w...
"Do you put most of your weight in your toes or the front of your foot while you are riding? You are not alone! Most rider do this"
This was when I first started focusing on Trudy's leg position. Ani was now steadier so we could do this. As you will see, Trudy had the tendency to stand, or put the weight of her riding position on her toes while riding at that time. As part of this process I ask Trudy to put her heels in the irons backwards (this is NOT for beginners) At first Trudy feels like she is using the back of her calf to do this, but that was really when Trudy was feeling her calf stretch.
What do you see changing in Trudy's riding position? Do you also see how Ani becomes steadier as Trudy becomes more aware of how to use her lower leg differently?
Sunday, August 17, 2014
How do I keep my lower legs connected? Do your heels come up in the trot...
"What is your lower leg doing at the trot? Does it seem to have a mind of its own?"
Trudy makes this awareness exercise looks easy, but is not. It will make you aware of what you are doing with your lower legs. This is when a rider is not keeping their seat over their lower legs. Expect to be surprised at how often you drop the iron. You will also find that it will be harder with one leg that the other. That will be your weaker leg. Do not use this exercise for beginner riders.
What do you see happening with Trudy? Can you see how this awareness exercise can make a difference in your riding position
Saturday, August 16, 2014
"Going back to the basics. Canter. Week 4. Warm up. Adding the stretch"...
"When was the last time you took the time to bring your horse back to the basics of the canter? This is week 4 of Susan and Darrien and we are thrilled with the changes!"
This is Susan and her new horse Darrien. Darrien had a few issues when he first got here... We have taken our time (the entire process has been filmed) and after a successful start to the show season have taken time off from competing to focus on the basics. This week we had some big changes. Darrien is finally starting to step under more from behind, lift his back (!!!!!) and stretching into a long rein. He has also stopped holding his breath and is much more relaxed. Those who remember Darrien in the past know that he would sometimes get a little frantic. When that happened, he would "root" (pull Susan out of the saddle with the reins), rear and run.
What did you learn from this video that you can use to improve your horses canter?
Friday, August 15, 2014
Renvers and Shoulder in. Adding the activity and longer strides at the t...
"Improving the quality of the shoulder in and renvers. Adding the activity and keeping the rhythm. Check out the changes in Beau!"
This is Susan and Beau. Now that they are competing in dressage at 2nd level 3, Beau needs to be able to do a shoulder in into a renvers (haunches out) in a better balance. In the past, his tendency (like most horses learning these movements) to take short steps and lose the rhythm going between the two movement. In this session we add the activity and engagement to the movements. Check out the changes! He is now looking like he should.
Have you tried riding these movements with your horse yet? What did you learn from watching what we are doing with Beau?
This is Susan and Beau. Now that they are competing in dressage at 2nd level 3, Beau needs to be able to do a shoulder in into a renvers (haunches out) in a better balance. In the past, his tendency (like most horses learning these movements) to take short steps and lose the rhythm going between the two movement. In this session we add the activity and engagement to the movements. Check out the changes! He is now looking like he should.
Have you tried riding these movements with your horse yet? What did you learn from watching what we are doing with Beau?
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Dressage. Walk. Half halt on outside rein with new horse. Adding shoul...
"How to connect a horse with even more... half halts on the outside rein and leg combined with a shoulder fore/shoulder in"
The horse and rider in this video, Susan and her new horse, Darrien are now competing in Prix St. George. Those who have been watching his process will notice his body is slowly filling out and that he is not rooting as much on the reins. When we started focusing more on what he is doing with his shoulders for the lateral work we found that he was doing some strange things, so we decided to focus more on the basics. What a surprise! As you can see in this video, it is like he does not know how to do a shoulder in! His feet are going all over the place and is gets upset mentally. It is time to take Darrien back to the basics to make sure he is comfortable. To do this, we start by making sure he is stepping up to the outside rein connection from his outside leg. You will be able to see what is happening on this video. Next, we use that connection to bring his shoulder over. It should not take long before Darrien is able to do this correctly. Most horses do not react this way, yet, it is good for everyone to see what can happen and what they can do to help the horse find a new way.
Could this type of training make a difference for your horse? Even if you are not competing? What do you see happening?
The trot. Big changes in Melody. Finally, she is using her back. Haunc...
"Are you ready to finally.... get your horse in the right balance? Sometimes this takes time if the horse has issues. It has taken us 3 years with this horse as she had some pretty big psychological and physical issues"
Those of you who have been following the progress of Trudy and Melody have seen the changes. It has been a long journey but has inspired so many people who are not sure that they can make a difference with their horses who have issues. Now you can see how Melody has changed this past week at the trot. Melody is now letting us move her haunches and shoulders and as a result is now more relaxed, better balanced and (gasp) is using her back! We are so excited with this breakthrough!
Have you ever had a horse that you were not sure you could ever be comfortable to ride or easy to influence?
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Straightness at the Trot. How you Can See and Feel it. Trudy Adams and Ani
"Is your Horse Really Moving Straight at the Trot? How Can You Tell and Why Is This So Important?"
When a horse moves straight, they are in a better balance as they can carry an even weight on all four legs. This makes them more comfortable to ride. Most riders are not sure when their horses are straight,. Now you can see how straightness looks from the ground, and see what Trudy does to position Ani so that she is moving straighter. Can you see what is happening? Are you ready to try this with your horse?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Activity at the trot. Shoulder in, haunches in, leg yields. The Diamon...
"Do you know why riders have been using lateral exercises for centuries to improve their horses connection and balance? Because it works!"
Now you can watch the changes that happen as Trudy continues to focus on adding lateral work at the trot with Melody. This was a break through session as Melody changed the way she is moving and carrying herself. It has taken us 3 years to get to this point as Melody had mental and physical issues.
Have you tried to do lateral work with your horse? What did you learn from this video?
Monday, August 11, 2014
Dressage. Walk. Half halt on outside rein with new horse. Adding shoul...
"How to connect a horse with even more... half halts on the outside rein and leg combined with a shoulder fore/shoulder in"
The horse and rider in this video, Susan and her new horse, Darrien are now competing in Prix St. George. Those who have been watching his process will notice his body is slowly filling out and that he is not rooting as much on the reins. When we started focusing more on what he is doing with his shoulders for the lateral work we found that he was doing some strange things, so we decided to focus more on the basics. What a surprise! As you can see in this video, it is like he does not know how to do a shoulder in! His feet are going all over the place and is gets upset mentally. It is time to take Darrien back to the basics to make sure he is comfortable. To do this, we start by making sure he is stepping up to the outside rein connection from his outside leg. You will be able to see what is happening on this video. Next, we use that connection to bring his shoulder over. It should not take long before Darrien is able to do this correctly. Most horses do not react this way, yet, it is good for everyone to see what can happen and what they can do to help the horse find a new way.
Could this type of training make a difference for your horse? Even if you are not competing? What do you see happening?
Improving engagement, activity and balance. Trot/Walk #2. Diamond patte...
"Would you like to see a horse change it's trot and walk as it learns how to use it's haunches? Now you can! Watch what happens as Melody begins to go into self carriage while using the Diamond pattern"
This was a very exciting session for us. For the first time, Trudy is able to get Melody to carry herself in self carriage! To do this with used the Diamond pattern. The Diamond pattern teaches a horse how to use their haunches better. As a result a horse will lift it's back, shift back more, and the rider is able to feel when they are in balance.
Can you see how Melody is not starting to move differently? Have you tried this on your horse yet?
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Starting a new horse with the Diamond at the walk. Trudy and Melody
"The Diamond pattern. Now you can connect your horse at levels you may not have thought were possible. Watch what happens as we start a new horse on the pattern at the walk"
In this session Trudy introduces Melody to the Diamond pattern. Those who have been following Melody's progress over the years might remember what a mess she was for so long. She had a lot of issues but is now much more responsive and willing. Now you can see how we use the Diamond pattern to connect with her even more. You can see that now, she is learning how to use her haunches and keep her back up as she works through the process. Trudy is riding with a following rein, and using her seat and legs to do what she is doing. With the Diamond pattern the horse comes into the corner (a V shape) with their haunches leading first, than at the point of the V, bring the horses shoulders over. Stay tuned for the next segment where we continue the Diamond pattern at the trot. This was a break through session for Melody.
Can you see Melody as she starts connecting at a new level?
Susan and Beau. Walk. Adding the stretch and engagement (activity)
"What if... you could finally get the walk you need to compete in dressage, or to simply get your horse to walk with better balance so it connects to you at another level?"
This is Susan and Beau. In this session we work on the walks that they need for competing in 2nd level. Beau is not thrilled. He would prefer to do a lazier walk where he does not need to "track up" (his hind feet stepping in or in front of the hoof prints of his front feet). To do this, we need to get him to step up more, with more active steps from behind as he lifts his back and stretches into the rein. In the past we have not asked Beau to connect as much as we are now. To show him how to balance between Susan's legs and reins (from front to back) is a challenge. Susan is using a following rein, so that Beau will stretch more into the rein, and riding him more with her seat and legs. Now you can watch what we do and see the results.
Can you connect your horse at the walk? What did you see changing as Beau went through this process?
Turn on the haunches. Adding the activity for better balance. Susan and...
"Have you added the turn on the haunches to your training program yet? It is a great way to connect more with your horse and improve their balance"
This is Susan on Beau. In this session we focus on improving the quality of their turn on the haunches. As you will see, Beau is not thrilled about this change as he has to balance differently than he has in the past. Now, since he is competing in 2nd level dressage, he needs to step under more as he lifts his back and lightens his forehand. The trick is to keep him stepping evenly with his feet as he does this. At first he is resistant (Beau does not like change) but by the end of this video you will see that he is carrying himself much better and is more willing.
Have you tried riding a haunches in with your horse yet? Can you see where it can make a difference in your connection and your horses balance?
Susan and Darrien. Going back to the basics.Walk. The stretch.
"Did you know that the walk is often the hardest gait for riders to get "right?" We have taken Darrien back to the basics of the walk in this session. Watch what we do to improve the quality of his walks"
This was a very important session as you will see what we are doing to bring him to the next level. Darrien's walks have been getting good scores, but... we knew something was not right. He was doing something strange with his front legs.Susan could feel he was taking shorter steps and landing heavy on the front. In fact, he was doing this at some level at all of his gaits. He has still be winning in dressage, but we have decided to take time of from competing so we can focus on what was happening. All we want is for Darrien to relax and to let go of his anxiety when he is asked to collect or do some of the more advanced movements. To do this, Susan has been riding him with a light, following rein. She is using more of her seat and legs. (she has taken off his usual double bridle and her spurs) The good news is that we have been able to change the way Darrien has been using his front end! You can see it happening in this video. Finally, he starts using his back as he steps up from behind and stretches into that longer rein. We are thrilled with the changes. Wait until you see the changes that have happened in week 4.
Can you see the changes that are happening with Darrien? How is this changing what you are doing with your horse?
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Canter. Back to the basics. Week 3. Look at the changes! Darrian and...
"Check out the changed in Darrien's canter in week 3 of "Going Back to the Basics" Now you can watch what happens when we take this older horse back to the basics and he discovers a new way to canter"
Would you like your horse to canter more relaxed and in a better balance? Maybe it is time for you to take it back to the basics. This has been an exciting month for us as we take the riders you have been watching in this Horse and Rider Awareness video series back to the basics. In this video you will see how much Darrien's canter is changing. This is week 3. In this session you will notice that Darrien (he is an older horse that shows in upper level dressage) is much more relaxed in his body and reactions. Now, he is finally using his back, stretching his neck (Susan is riding in a long following rein) and stepping under with his hind feet. Wait until you see what happens in week 4!
How is your horses canter? Would you like to improve it? Watch this series (you can find all the sessions and the horses we have been taking back to the basics right here) and do what we have done to finally make that change.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Back to the basics.The Trot. Week 3 Susan and Darrien
"Are you ready to see how Darrien has continued to progress as we take him back to the basics of contact and connection? This is what happened in week 3"
We have taken time off from the show season to bring Darrien back to the basics, Susan has removed her spurs and is riding Darrien in a snaffle bit. (He competes in upper level dressage with a double bridle) This week we continue with a following rein. All we are asking Darrien to do is relax to the contact and naturally go into self carriage and balance. Those who have been watching this pairs progress can see that Darrien has made some big changes. The week this was filmed he started to lift his back up and step under more with his hind feet. (this is on a long rein!) He still has some issues with the contact but now he has started bringing his head down as he lengthens his neck (we are not asking him to do that) and to step into the following contact that Susan has. We are thrilled with the changes! I will share more of what happen from this lesson this week, I filmed week 4 this week. Wait until you see the changes that are happening!
Can you see the difference in Darrien? Are you ready to take your horse back to the basics?
Monday, August 4, 2014
Connecting more at the Trot by adding lateral movements. Renvers, should...
"What if... you could finally feel like your horse is connected to you and in balance at the trot? Now you can see Ani change as Trudy asks her to ride a pattern"
With this pattern Trudy rides Ani down the center line in a shoulder in. When she comes to the corner, she asks Ani to bring her haunches in. This is another great pattern for connecting a horse and rider in a better balance. Those of you who have been watching this pair will see that Ani is changing a lot. She looks like a different horse.We were very excited to see what happened as Ani has now gone to another level in her training. Her back is up and she is "swinging" from her hips and shoulders.
Have you tried riding any of the patterns we have been sharing yet? What have you been experiencing as you are practicing them?
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Connecting more at the walk by adding lateral movements. Renvers, should...
"Would you like to watch a horse connect and go into a better balance with lateral work? Now you can watch what Trudy does to show Ani how to do the leg yield, shoulder in and renvers"
These movements are still pretty new to Ani. Trudy has been playing with them a little, but now we are focusing on them even more so that Ani will go into a better connection and balance. As you watch their progress in this session you will see that Ani is carrying herself in a better balance and as a result changes the way she is carrying herself at the walk.
Have you tried any of these movements with your horse yet? Can you see how they make a difference with Ani?
Friday, August 1, 2014
Staying connected at the canter #2 Training level horse. Trudy and Ani ...
"What if.... like many riders, your horse's canter is not as connected or controllable as you would like it to be? Watch what we do with Trudy and Ani with the Diamond pattern"
This was a "break through" session for this pair. Ani is a training level horse and we have been letting her do what ever she wants in the canter as long as she picked up the correct lead and went in the direction that Trudy asked her to go. The time has come where Ani is ready to be more connected at the canter. We would like her to starting using her back and slowing down into a more balanced canter. In Part #1 you saw how we started finding that connection with the Diamond pattern. Now, in the final canter, you will see Ani begin to change the way she is carrying herself.
Can you see the difference in how Ani is now cantering? What do you see?
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